Risk-based engineering is essential for the efficient asset management and safe operation of bridges. A risk-based asset management strategy couples risk management, standard work, reliability-based inspection and structu­ral analysis, and condition-based maintenance to properly apply resources based on process criticality. This ensures that proper controls are put in place and reliability analysis is used to ensure continuous improvement. An effective risk-based management system includes an enterprise asset management or resource solution that properly catalogues asset attribu­te data, a functional hierarchy, criticality analysis, risk and failure analy­sis, control plans, reliability analysis and continuous improvement. Such efforts include periodic inspections, condition evaluations and prioritizing repairs accordingly.

Risk-based bridge engineering is the theme of the upcoming 10th New York City Bridge Conference, which will be held on August 26-27, 2019 at the New York Hilton Midtown.

A room block is reserved for conference attendees at the New York Hilton Midtown at a special rate of $199.00 (single or double).

A limited number of Table Top Displays (TTD) will be available at the conference. For more information on Table Top Displays at the 10th New York City Bridge Conference, please visit this link.

Attendees will earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs).

If you have any questions regarding the 10th New York City Bridge Conference or Table Top Displays, please send your inquiry to info@bridgeengineer.org, or contact me at (212) 286-8014.

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference in New York City in  August!

Khaled M. Mahmoud, PhD, PE, Chairman
Bridge Engineering Association (BEA)
Chief Bridge Engineer


FEBRUARY 21, 2019
Please submit your English narrative abstract, up to 300 words to info@bridgeengineer.org. To ensure the technical quality of the conference program, each author will be responsibile for the review of two papers.

FEBRUARY 25, 2019
Notification of acceptance will be emailed to all corresponding authors.

MARCH 25, 2019
Manuscripts are due at the Bridge Engineering Association office.

MARCH 25 – APRIL 26, 2019
Review of manuscripts.

APRIL 30, 2019
Final manuscripts are due at the Bridge Engineering Association office. Manuscripts received after this date will not be published in the conference proceedings.

JUNE 28, 2019
Due date for PowerPoint Presentations